Coffee Burns Calories

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In a world of high-calorie processed foods, coffee remains remarkably pure.

Sure, you can indulge in Vente cups brimming with cream and sugar. But raw coffee defies convention with its abundant nutrients, bountiful antioxidants, and dearth of calories. The true, rich flavor of coffee is all one needs for total, healthy satisfaction.

And now, there is even more good news about the greatness of pure coffee: According to a recent scientific study conducted at the School of Medicine at the University of Nottingham (England), coffee offers a remarkable, additional health benefit:

Coffee burns calories. Here is how:

Coffee harnesses the power of our body’s own internal fat-burning systems.

People possess two kinds of fat: white fat and brown fat. White fat is that bad, globby stuff that stores the excess calories we consume. It’s bad for our health and bad for our figures. Brown fat has an entirely different role: When activated, it burns fat and sugar to produce body heat.

In other words, brown fat is good fat.

How did scientists discover that coffee activates good fat?

Researchers at the University of Nottingham’s School of Medicine measured the temperature of brown fat before and after study participants drank coffee. After participants consumed a single cup of coffee, researchers observed that their brown fat reserves started heating up, quickly revving up to full calorie-burning mode. In other words, coffee + brown fat = weight loss (or maintenance) assistance.

For coffee lovers, it’s one more great reason to enjoy your morning Starbuck’s Sumatra – brewed to perfect in a Ninja Hot and Cold Brewer.

Or perhaps you’d rather start your day with the intense flavor of Expresso brewed in the totally affordable Aicook Espresso and Cappuccino Machine with Milk Frother.

And, for those bleary-eyed dawn-risers in need of a hallelujah-burst of caffeine, may I recommend the power-packed Koffee Kult’s Dark Roast for a whole-day effervescence and energy.  After pulverizing the rich grounds with my Baratza grinder, the fragrance alone is enough to flush away the morning haze.

Does Coffee burn calories?

So Does coffee burn calories? Well yes, but no, Caffeine increases your resting metabolic rate, which means it increases the number of calories you burn at rest. but as for a long term fat burning strategy, it would not be wise as we tend to build up a tolerance and the effects would become non existent over time!

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